Monday, August 30, 2010

Running For President

I am very much out of my comfort zone. They say this is a good thing. It's how we grow. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

I've never been much of a fan of musical theater, but here I am in midtown Manhattan taking meetings, doing site visits, attending casting sessions. I feel a bit like a dude who has never cared much for politics who suddenly finds himself running for President. Presumably I have some bold new vision, some reason that has compelled me to enter a field I've never liked. I'm here to shake things up! However, to help me in my cause I need the help of insiders, folks who know how the system works...

"Insiders" hardly ever get a good press. They muzzle a candidate, keep him on message, castrate him. They persuade Al Gore to groom some kind of type A personality that backfires and loses him the election. They focus on image over substance, they throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Yes, it's a very convenient and cliched paradigm. It disregards the fact that President Obama depended on the wisdom of insiders such as David Axelrod to hone both his image and message in order to craft a brilliant campaign in 2008.

In any case, I suddenly find myself in a minority: a rock and roller outnumbered by theater professionals, people who live and breathe the business, and whose friends do the same.  It's a little intimidating. It's all too easy for me to drift into a defensive "me against them" posture. But theater is a collaboration, and 95% of the time my collaborators are probably steering me away from disaster.

Still, I have to pay attention. There's a whole lot of bathwater. But there's also one very large baby!

I just looked in the mirror. The baby needs a shave.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


So, this is my first official blog. Okay, I've posted various musings during recent years at my website but since nobody could respond to them in the blogosphere they weren't really blogs.

And even those musings have trailed off in recent years. The new genre of instant memoir has quickly turned stale.

So, why am I now starting up again?


I am potentially on the brink of making a complete fool of myself and going into debt at the same time! If I'm going to crash I might as well do it with guns blazing, Barnum and Bailey style. I am presenting my musical, ABOVE HELL'S KITCHEN, less than two months from now at the New York Musical Theater Festival. I have no idea how it's going to be paid for. And even though I seem to be assembling a remarkable team of talent to assist me on my journey to debtor's prison, there is still every chance that the show could be a complete embarrassment! For God's sake, we only get to load into the theatre on the day of the first performance.

Then again, it could be the best thing you'll ever see.

Casting has begun....

Please stay tuned, spread the word, and wish me well.